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One of my friend interested for Us b2 visa , and her B2 visa last time got rejected in 10th April 2017 because of her friend was given invitation to her ,so the under 214B -under easily migrant visa got rejected .Her friend now working as on F1 visa in US ,F1 visa is valid for 2 years .And one more she will get married in dec 2017 with him . Now she wants to know that is there any difficulties while applying B2 visa again ???? Edit


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Hello,B2 visa is a traditional visa that is affixed to a visa page on your passport. Actually, It is a temporary and non-immigrant visa. It allowsholder to travel to the US for business and tourism pu ...  (More...)

Visa rejection is due to multiple reasons like age, Marital status, travel history and your financial background. One needs to review all of these before making application once again. In case no ...  (More...)


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We are providing authentic and genuine  services such as authnetic  Student visas, working visa, business visa, expired visa issues,  registered drivers licenses, Registered and au ...  (More...)


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Stress no more just visit or contact [email protected],they will help u with all that


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Its obvious that the visa officer knows what are her intents, she should contact a good visa consultant and take their opinion.try //

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