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There are two type of long term residence permits for Czech Republic - Employment Card (EC) and Blue Card (BC). My employer has mentioned to process EC. My queries are: 1) When employer registers job with their Czech Ministry of Labour (employment), do they mention that this job is for BC or EC category? And based on that I can only apply for that particular BC/ EC residence permit at the Czech consulate in India. Or the case is not so and I can apply for either of it on my will? 2) As I understand that through Blue Card I can move to another EU countries for work later, after I complete a specific duration. But If I get EC from India, then how is it possible to change to BC later in Czech once I reach there? Please let me know if you can provide info on this. Edit


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Every employer have to get permission from the Ministry to employee foreign nationals. Employee card is intended for all types of employment regardless of the level of required professional qualificat ...  (More...)

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