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You have multiple questions here.Work in Ontario - you can, if you are fulfilling requirements of the province. If you are already in Canada, you can have a job offer and  work there. If you are ...  (More...)
All the jobs available for outsiders are listed on international job sites. If the profile you are talking about is in demand, you will find relevant job opportunities. Check for yourself on: //www...  (More...)
US B1/B2 are visit categories. There is no relation with Canada student visa. Even if you don't have US B1/B2, you can still apply for Canada student visa. You just need to have a valid admission lett...  (More...)
Check for job opportunities on international job sites and apply for jobs suiting your profile. Once you get a job offer and approval from labour market, you can apply for appropriate visa.Try: //www...  (More...)
Yes, if  you think options are good for you then why not?
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