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Posts4 Views 1060

What is Germany Job Seeker Visa?

I cannot read or write the German language, Can I apply for the Germany Job Seeker visa?

Yes, you can apply for Germany Jobseeker visa, without knowing to read or write German language as it is not a mandate, but recommended to have an understanding of German language. 
Yes, Quebec process is different than Canadian Immigration process. Quebec though a province of Canada, has a separate process/procedure of visa application. You can apply for Quebec PR which is valid...  (More...)
Could you kindly help us understand, where would you want to start or buy a business, is this specific to a country like Canada or Australia? Kindly clarify.
You can apply for Student visa application to new zealand, however since the rejection was on the basis of telephonic interview, recommended for you to get it checked. 
Posts1 Views 865

How candidate receive the German job seeker visa on Points b...

If a candidate scored enough points on the point based system, then how can they receive the job seeker visa as a highly experienced worker or a type of Red whi

Upon obtaining required points for German Job Seeker Visa a candidate can file an application through VFS. 
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