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Posts1 Views 1099

Everything i need to know about JOb Seeker Visa , Germany

First of all many thanks to expatforum to give me a chance to short out confusion in such a wonderful way. Here i would like to have resolution a

Hello all. I've been lurking around this forum, reading up for the past 6 months. Now I'm here to give back to this community. I recently moved to Germany on a Job seeker visa from the UK, where I ...  (More...)
Posts2 Views 1077

ES-5 investor visa, individual or can it be as a company?

My friend is thinking of immigrating to the US with an Investor visa EB-5. he needs to invest 1M for this visa, but our question is: can this mone

it has to be his money and they will investigate where every penny came from Hee obvioulsy had no idea about the whole thing .. get an aila lawyer to go thru all the details
Posts2 Views 979

Am I too old to apply to a community college as an internati...

Am I too old to apply to a community college as an international student? I'm 26 years old man working in Qatar. I've been contemplating going to a community co

The US does not have age limits on their unis and colleges. People of all ages - including international students - are welcome to apply. Not all community colleges can admit international students...  (More...)
Posts1 Views 984

Can a person with Denmark Green card (work permit) travel to...

Can a person with Denmark Green card (work permit) travel to UK without a uk visitor visa? and I m applying for work permit under green card scheme -does that g

No. As I told you in my response to your earlier question, UK is a separate immigration zone and you will need a separate visa to visit UK in spite of the fact that you have the residence of Denmar...  (More...)
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